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elements coverJe vous conseille vivement la lecture de cet ouvrage dont est extrait l’article suivant :

Les éléments du développement d’interface utilisateur

Auteur(s) : Jesse James Garrett
Année de publication : 2002
Editeur : New Riders
189 pages
ISBN : 0735712026
Prix : 22.93 €



A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space; but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion, as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among these various elements.

Jesse James Garrett: The Elements of User Experience

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