WTF is HTML5 and why we should all care
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  • septembre 14, 2012

  HTML is a language that provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. HTML 5 is being developed as the next major revision of HTML. This code can now be used for new functions that can benifit developers and...

Interactive Van Gogh’s – Starry Night’s on iPad

Greek Artist Petros Vrellis has created an interactive visualisation and synthesizer that animates Vincent Van Goghs “Starry Night”, using openframeworks to create a simple and elegant interaction. A fluid simulation gently creates a flowing fabric from Van Goghs impressionist portrait of the Milky Way and night sky over Saint-Rémy in France using the thick paint...

Stanley, le piano interactif via Twitter
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  • juillet 25, 2012

The following video shows the Stanley Piano in action: Twitter is no stranger to the music world, with stars such as Justin Bieber and Katy Perry using the platform to connect with fans and the UK’s Royal Opera House even creating a Twitter Opera. Now Digital Kitchen has created the Stanley Piano, which is able...

Motion Reel par Takuya Hosogane
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  • juin 16, 2012

Takuya Hosogane est Motion Graphics Director chez  HSGN. Il poursuit ses expérimentations avec cette vidéo d’ouverture réalisée pour les conférences Disruptive by Design, organisées par le magazine Wired. Influencé par l’univers esthétique et expérimental de Yugo Nakamura et John Maeda, Takuya Hosogane construit un œuvre radicale marquée par un sens graphique qui touche à l’épure...

luctus dolor. Aliquam venenatis, libero tempus venenatis