SEO in 2013: The Year of the Consumer
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SEO in 2013: The Year of the Consumer

SEO in 2013: The Year of the Consumer
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Search engine optimization continues to evolve in a variety of ways. 2012 was one of the most significant years for SEO in recent history. A multitude of search engine algorithm updates dramatically altered the manner in which search engine optimization is conducted. Those changes are detailed in a new MediaWhiz report, “SEO in 2013: The Year of the Consumer.” The search and SEO landscape in 2013 is already witnessing similar important changes. As the recent announcement of Facebook Graph Search shows, the era of basic SEO tactics is over. Strategies that were once considered sacrosanct among SEO professionals, such as optimizing content for top Google rankings, are now outdated at best, or completely irrelevant. They may even hurt your brand’s search rankings. As the below infographic details, SEO success in 2013 comes down to one thing: content. Lots of high-quality, relevant content. In order to have true, long-term SEO success, you must optimize for users first and search engines second. The future of SEO is content. Infographic SEO in 2013 -year of consumer

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