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One Design to rule them all ?

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From smartphones to tablets to everything in between, a wider variety of computing devices than ever before are being used to get online. These devices have different screen sizes and resolutions, input methods, and even different modes of use.

Most organizations have responded to this new reality by creating separate experiences for new devices types: a separate mobile site, a separate tablet site, and so on. But today’s devices are blurring even these lines.

The good news is you don’t need lots of different Web sites to provide a great experience across all these devices. In fact, you only need one Web site with a multi-device design. The bad news is it requires a different way of designing and developing for the Web. Find out why and how in this talk.

Responsive webdesign ?

Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).

Luke Wroblewski

LukeW is an internationally recognized digital product leader who has designed and built software used by more than one billion people worldwide.

Luke is currently a Product Director at Google. Earlier he was the CEO and Co-founder of Polar (acquired by Google in 2014) and the Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder of Bagcheck (acquired by Twitter in 2011).
Prior to founding start-ups, Luke was an Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) at Benchmark Capital, the Chief Design Architect (VP) at Yahoo!, Lead User Interface Designer at eBay, and a Senior Interface Designer at NCSA: the birthplace of the first popular graphical Web browser, NCSA Mosaic.

Luke is the author of three popular Web design books (Mobile First,Web Form Design & Site-Seeing: A Visual Approach to Web Usability) in addition to many articles about digital product design and strategy. He is also a consistently top-rated speaker atconferences and companies around the world, and a Co-founder and former Board member of the Interaction Design Association(IxDA).

Luke also founded LukeW Ideation & Design, a product strategy and design consultancy, and taught graduate interface design courses at the University of Illinois.

Twitter Handle: @lukew

Presented by Luke Wroblewski at the April 9, 2013 Breaking Development Conference in Orlando, Florida.

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